Java Overview

Transaction Class


The Transaction class facilitates interactions with the TeamGames store API, enabling the retrieval and management of transaction data.

Example Usage: Fetching Transactions

To fetch transactions for a player "Nelson" using the Transaction class, you initialize the object, set the API key and player name, and call the getTransactions method. This endpoint will also set the transaction to claim to prevent further claiming. Here's how you do it:

Transaction transaction = new Transaction()

try {
    Transaction[] transactions = transaction.getTransactions();
    if (transactions.length > 0) {
        for (Transaction trans : transactions) {
            System.out.println("Player: " + trans.player_name + ", Product: " + trans.product_name + ", Amount: " + trans.product_amount);
    } else {
        System.out.println("No transactions found for the player.");
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error fetching transactions: " + e.getMessage());


  • Transaction(): Initializes a new instance of the Transaction class.


  • setApiKey(String apiKey): Sets the API key required for authenticating requests. Returns the Transaction instance for method chaining.

  • setPlayerName(String playerName): Sets the player name for whom the transactions are queried. Returns the Transaction instance for method chaining.

  • getTransactions(): Retrieves an array of Transaction objects representing the transactions made by the specified player. Returns empty if no transactions are found or if items have already been claimed.


  • player_name: The name of the player involved in the transaction.

  • product_id: The ID of the product purchased.

  • product_amount: The quantity of the product purchased.

  • amount_purchased: The total amount spent on the purchase.

  • product_name: The name of the product.

  • product_price: The price of the product per unit.

  • message: A message associated with the transaction.


  • Throws Exception if the API call fails.

Post Class


The Post class handles HTTP POST requests to the server.


  • sendPostData(Map<String, Object> params, String location, String apiKey): Sends a POST request with the specified parameters to the given location, using the provided API key. Returns the server response as a string.

Helper Methods

  • setRequestProperties(HttpURLConnection conn, byte[] postDataBytes): Sets the required properties for the outgoing HTTP POST request.


  • Throws Exception if there are issues setting up or executing the HTTP request.

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