Java Overview

Vote API

The Vote API in the TeamGames framework enables developers to integrate voting functionalities, specifically for claiming vote rewards within games. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on using the VoteEndpoint class to interface with the TeamGames system to validate and claim rewards for players based on their voting actions.

Usage Example

Below is an example of how to use the VoteEndpoint to claim a reward:

VoteEndpoint voteEndpoint = new VoteEndpoint();
try {
    ClaimReward reward = voteEndpoint.getReward();
    System.out.println("Reward claimed: " + reward);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error claiming reward: " + e.getMessage());

Classes and Methods

VoteEndpoint Class


  • public VoteEndpoint()

    • Initializes a new instance of the VoteEndpoint class.


  • public VoteEndpoint setApiKey(String apiKey)

    • Sets the API key required for authentication.

    • Returns this for chaining method calls.

  • public VoteEndpoint setPlayerName(String playerName)

    • Sets the player's name for whom the reward is being claimed.

    • Returns this for chaining method calls.

  • public VoteEndpoint setRewardId(String rewardId)

    • Sets the identifier for the reward to be claimed.

    • Returns this for chaining method calls.

  • public VoteEndpoint setAmount(String amount)

    • Sets the amount of the reward to be claimed.

    • Returns this for chaining method calls.

  • public ClaimReward getReward() throws Exception

    • Retrieves a ClaimReward object representing the reward for a player.

    • Calls the TeamGames Vote API to validate the player's vote and claim the designated reward.

    • Throws Exception if there is an error during the HTTP POST request or while parsing the response.

Post Class



  • public static String sendPostData(Map<String, Object> params, String location, String apiKey) throws Exception

    • Sends a POST request to the specified location with the provided parameters and API key.

    • Constructs the request URL, encodes the parameters, sets the request properties, and handles the response.

    • Throws Exception for any errors encountered during the request.

Utility Methods

  • public static void setRequestProperties(HttpURLConnection conn, byte[] postDataBytes) throws Exception

    • Sets the necessary HTTP headers for the POST request.

    • Throws Exception if unable to set the properties.

Last updated